Ruby's Family Roots
Poetry 1
Poetry 2
Poetry 3
Poetry 4
Poetry 5
Poetry 6
POETRY: The Little People
The Little People: Page Two
The Little People: Page THREE
Photos: Young Ruby
Ruby's Family Roots
Pictures of Ruby
Pictures of Ruby Page Two
Westclox: Ruby Wins Car!
I am a Space Traveler
Ruby's Thoughts
Story of Christmas
The Talent
Her Experiences
Artwork Page Two
Favorite Links
Contact Me

  Ruby L. Smith was born September 12th, 1916 in Loop-City, Nebraska. Ruby's mother's maiden name was Grace Hayes (b.1894) and her father's name was Ira Smith (b.1884) and he was a tailor by trade and Grace a house wife.  Ruby's father was 32  and Grace was 22 when Ruby was born into this world. Ruby had four brothers, Clark, Dick, Jack and _____i don't yet know the name of but two younger and two older. One of her older brothers ; Jack, was one year older and was a genius with an overdeveloped mind. Jack became sick and passed away when he was age eleven. The mother (Grace) had passed away when Ruby was 12 and after her passing the father was incapable of raising the preteen girl and three boys. The boys were sent to a different home than young Ruby. Her grandmother whose name was Emma Hayes lived in England. She had relatives in the United States who would be the foster parents of Ruby L.Smith. Those who would raise her in her teenage years were the Woodruff's. Daniel and Alma Woodruff from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Alma's maiden name was Alma Swanson and she married Daniel in Aug 1st, 1916, the same year Ruby was born. Ruby was fostered by the Woodruff's from 1928 to 1936. When Ruby reached the age of 20, she then married Carl Harmon from Seatonville, Illinois and became Ruby L. Harmon. They were married on January 7th, 1936 at Henry IL.  Together they had three children named, Katherine (b.1936), Daniel (b.1938) and Richard (b.1940).  Ruby spent much of her time raising the children and working at Westclox in LaSalle. The Harmon's lived in LaSalle County. The marriage lasted twenty-nine years, before she was more or less forced to seperate from Carl in 1965 and then she went on with her life.  During this troubled time she had recieved from Westclox a new car along with a sum of money for coming up with a solution to save the company money. She then later completed her book (You, Me and ESP) in 1972 which was a lifetime ambition for her. She lived in LaSalle throughout the seventies and eighties and moved to Las Vegas to be closer to her daughter Katherine and Richard's families.  She moved to Vegas in 1988 and lived until Sept 6th,1996 when her "earth suit" was laid to rest and she passed on into that next dimension in which she had always prepared for. She always said that she lives between the two worlds, heaven and earth.  Her marker reads; 

"Marooned was I upon this Earth,

This Island on a Sea.

I landed from the ship of birth,

Now God has rescued me."

Daniel and Alma Woodruff; Ruby's foster parents
Photo probably takin in 1940's

Daniel Woodruff on porch in Council Bluffs
Ruby said: "Let me take your picture."

Ruby's foster mom: Alma Woodruff
Photo taken in 1961

The Woodruffs 50th wedding anniversary (1966)
Daniel and Alma

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Ruby's addresses and where she lived

On this site you will sometimes see the name Harmon instead of Smith and Visa Versa. She had signed her artwork and poetry with the name Smith even after her seperation with Carl Harmon in 1965. But she used the name Harmon at her work places and for legal matters.

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