Jesus talks about having talents and using them.
I have a talent, it is hearing and doing what is told of me.
For example: I was told while visiting Richard and Mary (son and his wife) in Princeton several years ago
to leave while I was having lunch. I was through so I obeyed and excused myself and drove out of the drive.
I then asked where shall I go? I was told to drive as if going home. Getting out by Kmart I was told to pick
up a boy standing by the side of the road and take him where he wanted to go. I asked the boy if he wanted a ride and he said
no. I said you have to want a ride because God told me to take you where you want to go. He was quite surprised and told me
he was studying for the ministry and was ready to give it up because he lost faith in God. He made a bargain with God that
if God would prove to him that He was real he would continue with the ministry. We had a nice talk on the way to Bloomington
and he said he would never forget that day and would continue in the ministry.
I used my talent as I have done all my life. This is only one experience of many hundreds of them because
I did not hide my talent. I use it and it grows more and more. If I had not used it I would no longer have it.
Ruby L. Smith