Thought As Electrical Energy
"Thought is an electrical energy. It can be projected in a ray. If it is not, it stays within
the thinker. It then becomes part of his aura.
One with ill will can project his ray with malicious purpose to his enemy but he cannot
make it work. The reciever must first accept it; then it has served its purpose.
One does not have to accept another's thinking. To be able to reject the ill will
is one of the true gems of life."
"We being on personality, live on the planet earth or anywhere else in spirit. We operate through
an electrostatic system called physical. In or out of our bodies we our still our own individual selves. We think,
feel, see, hear and have our emotions in spirit. We are current electricity designed to evolve through our creative channel
called thought."( p.11)
Me, You and ESP.