Open the door of life my son
For time is when I set you free,
Take with you all your merits won,
Knowledge, honor and Deity.
Of your ship you are the captain
But always let God be your guide,
Keep your compass toward his Son
And on the cross where he died.
Its hard for me to see you go,
I ve sheltered you these years
With more love than you could know,
Through our laughter and our tears.
But even as a bird so small
Teaches its young to fly,
Each must answer his call
Of life in his good-bye.
The teachers labored to help you,
Make it worth their strife,
Put your knowledge to good use,
Add to it through your life.
Always remember to yourself be true,
That your truth be found by others;
Never forget that I love you
And am proud to be your mother.